Infidelity, slugs, revenge. What a perfect triumvirate!

I used to play with slugs when I was little. And then I would help my mum set beer traps and sprinkle any escapees with salt to protect the cabbages from their voracious appetites.

I think I might be a bit Steven… 😂

Excellent, Nick. This story has developed a life of its own and now, now there is no escape!

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i am settling in to write chapter 10... possibly the end will arrive...

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… possibly… 😂

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Love this series — love the name Underground Man

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thanks keith😎

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Harry is spot on, he sounds like a spoiled brat. Steven is a bit of a mix, but I figured that that was the result of having the Underground Man living in his head.

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Poor Steven. And Harry sure is a jerk!

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getting the kids voices to sound right is the hardest part - its taken me all day this one pretty much. what do you think?

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I think you've got them right.

Ironically you probably won't be surprised that the last time I saw my brother (about ten years ago) he just kept jabbing his finger at me and repeating 'you're mental', 'you're mental you are' over and over. (Except he would've been thirty years older than Harry).

Well, maybe we both are, but unlike him, I'm mad in a good way.

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Thank you for the feedback... im trying to digest your latest poems... they are chewy... cogitating.

big brothers eh? I used to fart on my sister. I used to say mum loves me more because i was first. i hate myself for that now.

apparently loony bin is not PC. when have kids been PC? although maybe they would say summat else these days...

when we had remedial class at school, the kids were teased with REMEEEEEDIAL

when it was changed to "remedial enducational needs.. REN" they got called RENNERS...

KIDS are just cruel.

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I probably should've said he's actually my younger brother. I'm the oldest. I have a sister who is the youngest. I don't talk to my family anymore though. And they don't talk to me, so it's fine.

I would definitely say kids wouldn't do PC, simply on principle! So Harry would definitely say 'loony bin'.

Renners sounds like a great name. Although probably if one doesn't know what it's supposed to mean!

Take as much time as you like with my weird poetry. If it starts to do your head in too much, then feel free to move on, for the sake of your sanity!

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